The 2023-2024 San Francisco 49ers season was a great one! Cuzzin Rando, Dell Feddi and yours truly Barritz dropped our new 49ers single “#Tailgate” and embarked on our #TailgateTour.
We started doing summer BBQs in San Jose and Sacramento, performed at almost every game at Levi’s Stadium, and performed on the road in Los Angeles at SoFi Stadium and in Arizona at State Farm Stadium.
The reception from all who we came across was truly amazing! We are truly grateful for all of the love and support we have received from the Faithful near and far.

We then took the #TailgateTour on the road to Los Angeles where we performed for the 408 Faithfuls and Area-49 Faithfuls LA at #SoFiStadium and met up with Faithful new and old both the day before at Tom’s Watch Bar and at the game in Inglewood.
It’s always great running into Justin and Deron from Area-49, Rhino, FourtyNinerdude, Lennox Da Menace and my bro B-Boy from Arizona who made the journey to LA.
Of course we set up shop at the B-1 Empire upon our return to Levi’s Stadium and my boy Manu was waiting to fill my red cups with Hennessy at their epic bar.
We then strolled on over to the Niner Empire for our 2023-2024 debut performance at home. Huge shoutout to Joe for always giving us a platform, to DJ Juice and DJ MOE 1 for always having an amazing live mic setup, and to Los Bayuncos for always filling our stomachs with those delicious putacos.
It was great running into family at the game and it’s always great to cross paths with the infamous OG Carnal!

October came around and we shot the video for “#Tailgate” before the Cardinals-49ers game. We started at the B-1 Empire with DJ Chrismixx and DJ Alvin C. Abdul, Manu, Tony, Bruce, Yaeger and the rest of the B-1 were there to get the filming going.
We stopped by the TRU Niners with my boy Mad Matt, hit the Niner Empire with Joe, DJ Juice and DJ Moe1, then left Levis Stadium – Blue Lot 1 to finish the video with the Niner Squad and 408 Faithfuls in Green Lot 1. Of course 49ers Playlist was there with his Bumpboxx!
Cowboys weekend came around and there were countless #Niners events for the Faithful to attend.
We premiered the “Tailgate” video Friday night with a live interview on YouTube with 49er Minded.
On Saturday we hit up WayneBreezie‘s “#FTTB” video shoot at Shoe Palace and Levi’s Stadium and got in our cameos. It was great running into the 49ers Rush Podcast crew. We then hit up Travis King‘s event at Bay 101 Casino where we crossed paths with DJ Maniakal and #DJHypeman. We concluded the day in Fremont at the Niner Empire event at Clubhouse where we ran into the illest Niner MC #DaveCanal aka Heat.
Of course we destroyed the Cowboys on Sunday Night Football!

The #TailgateTour continued with a watch party and performance for the 49ers Sacramento Faithfuls up at Stoney’s Rockin’ Rodeo in Sacramento, CA. The game was a disappointing loss but the atmosphere and hospitality were excellent. We appreciate you Ronnie, Leo, Lalo and of course the man spinning the tunes #DJBarneyB! It was awesome running into our guy Bashar from #49erMinded as well. Thanks for always giving us the opportunity to share our latest music and news on your channel bro!
After a losing streak, a bye week and resounding back to business stomping of the Jaguars, we were back at Levi’s Stadium for the #SaluteToService game. Another powerful win against the Seahawks on the road and the Niners were off to Philadelphia for a revenge game from last year’s NFC Championship Game loss against the Eagles.
We hit #SanPedroSocial and did a pregame performance for the 408 Faithfuls Watch Party & Toy Drive for the rematch. We destroyed those birds on our second stop during our 5-game #BirdGauntlet. Thank you Abel for always giving us the mics and allowing us to rock for your crew!

Following our second win against the Seahawks in 3 weeks, #CuzzinRando, #DellFeddi and myself took a mini-vacay to the desert for some good weather and a trip to Arizona to attend the 49ers-Cardinals game.
Saturday before the game we linked up with #TommyNello from #FN4S at #McFaddens at Westgate where he gave us our first batch of “#RedOut” pins… if you haven’t copped yours yet hit up myself or Feddi to get yours.
The #49ersRushPodcast booked us to perform at their Meet & Greet with Patrick Willis and the venue was packed to the brim. We performed with DJ Juice in the mix and had a blast with our fellow Faithful.
We skipped on over to Dave & Busters and networked with Justin from the Niner Empire Desert West and Raj from The Niner Empire Organization.
Game day we hit up the #NEDW tailgate and performed for their amazing chapter. It was probably our best show of the year… the crowd was lively, energetic and interactive to the fullest. Big shoutout to Justin and Melissa, #DJRabbit and all who were in attendance.
It was cool running into #HottSauce and Pint from #WhyHate?!, my boy Jose, attending the game with my bro Sanjay and seeing Lennox The Menace and the family.
On the way out of town I ran into John at #SkyHarbor and we had our last meal in the desert before heading back to #TheBay.

#Christmas Day was the final leg of the #BirdGauntlet and a potential #SuperBowl matchup between the visiting Ravens and the #49ers. Although spirits were high our #Niners didn’t play their best and we handily lost the game.
The Rams came to town after the new year and as we’d already locked up the #1 seed the game had zero consequence for us at Levi’s Stadium and led to some of our starters resting including starting QB #BrockPurdy. Despite the circumstance we barely lost the game to end our regular season.
In between games I attended a 49ers Bay Area Faithful Social Club meeting and met Anthony “#Boobie” Dixon. He shared many stories about his personal and professional lives with members of the club and is one of the coolest cats around. Visit a social club meeting and look forward to an awesome time with great likeminded Faithful.
The Packers were the opponent for the Divisional Round and their visit coincided with the release of Dell Feddi’s and my “Red Out” jersey collaboration with Royal Retros. Follow Royal Retros and visit their official website to purchase your custom “Red Out” jersey. We appreciate you Dustin for reaching out on the collab! We performed for the Niner Empire on a very rainy Sunday and just squeaked out a victory to advance to the #NFCChampionshipGame vs. the Detroit Lions.

Dave Canal blessed everyone hanging at the Niner Empire tailgate with another one of his epic performances prior to the NFC Championship Game versus the Detroit Lions. Lions’ fans showed up deep to rep their team.
The game was as stressful as a game can be, but as the fans at Levi’s Stadium stayed Faithful when we were down by 17 points… the squad themselves kept the faith and pulled out the victory to send us to #SuperBowlLVIII in #LasVegas.
The 2023-2024 49ers season has been an amazing one in so many ways, strengthening old relationships and building new ones, all while sharing our love for the Niners is such an exhilarating experience. We thank each and every person who has supported Cuzzin Rando, Dell Feddi and myself on our Tailgate Tour.
Please share our #music, request to book us to perform at your #Niner events (trust me, we’re a cheap date), purchase our merchandise, and when you see us please stop us, say hello and let’s take a picture! We are only able to be where we’re at today with the help of each and every one of you. #ThankYou and go Niners!

#Barritz #SanFrancisco49ers #LevisStadium #StateFarmStadium #408Faithfuls #Area49Faithfuls #TomsWatchBar #Fourty9erDude #Hennessy #OGCarnal #BlueLot1 #NinerSquad #49ersPlaylist #Bumpboxx #WayneBreezie #TravisKing #DJManiakal #49ersSacramentoFaithfuls #PatrickWillis #NinerEmpireDesertWest #TheNinerEmpireOrganization #49ersBayAreaSocialClub #RoyalRetros #QuestForSix