“The Cadillac Man”

So “The Cadillac Man” album got wrapped a couple days ago… I met up with Rico in L.A. and we knocked out the final tasks on the list… I’m just on the listening tip now and making sure I am happy with the finished product… we have spent a lot of time working on it to get it right and it has been an experience I have learned a lot from… I’ve had many setbacks on the way to finishing this project and many times felt like I shouldn’t even put it out because I was so frustrated with the progress or lack thereof on the whole thing… I started making this album with Gyre and lost all of my tracks due to computer issues, then I had to get all of the raw tracked out instrumentals redone by him, was starting to collab with my good friend EMPera and his production, and then had him unfortunately taken from me and the rest of this world as he passed Father’s Day 2008 (Rest In Peace good friend 8/14/1981-6/15/2008, I don’t even wanna get into that right now) and then I networked with Rico at Apocalypze Recording Studios to bring this project to fruition even though he moved to Burbank slightly before finishing the project, so I had to wait until his availability up here in The Bay… he has been a mentor to me and has taught me a lot through this entire process… I wanted to say thank you to all who have had a hand in helping me with “The Cadillac Man“… EMPera, Rico, Skooob, Gyre, MysterE, ProHoeZak, DaMost, Deez DineroSoul Purpose Leone, Chino, Attilary, L-One, Swizzle, Caleo, Eratk, oneSHOTmedia – Mike Ho, and to all my family and friends who have supported me with the process and who have made it out to my shows… you are all priceless and too many to name… it is coming… “The Cadillac Man“… are you ready?!

The Cadillac Man by Barritz. Get your copy on iTunes today!


The Album Making Process…

It’s been a busy last couple of weeks and I’ve been working hard to finish up the “The Cadillac Man” album for you all… making an album is an interesting experience to say the least… coming up with the idea for a song is such an exhilirating moment of time, and performing live for you all is a rush in itself… it’s the editing that has issues… it is tedious and time-consuming… no worries though… the project is coming soon and will be all that you have been waiting for… thank you for your patience and your understanding…


Remastering My Mind…

November 2nd… one day and 5 years after Mac Dre died got my mind fried with too many thoughts so some denied… and now just back from watching Michael Jackson’s “This Is It”… reminds me these talents are not here to share with us any longer, 2Pac… always thoughts of our true leader… Bob Marley… Jimi Hendrix… James Brown… Isaac Hayes… Barry White… there are others… Bruce Lee… I could keep going but why… they are here with us… influencing us still and ’tis our duty to keep their legacy and accomplishments in the forefront of our thoughts… it is there where they shine the brightest and shall be illuminating always…

It makes me remaster my mind to think in perfection as some did incessantly… it is not how fast the product is brought to market, it is not how much money it makes for you, but it is about one thing and one thing only… getting it right… making a product you are proud of… that is honest, true to its maker and expresses the willingness to make something of reputation and adored utility… the true customer will be the one who is there for the product, not because you told them to… because they need it… but you didn’t make it for anybody but yourself… you presented it when appropriate and complete… it is a gift from you to them… but always given to yourself first… the day you follow others is the day you lose yourself…


